Lonesome Jim

Lonesome Jim is a 2005 American comedydrama film directed by Steve Buscemi. Filmed mostly in the city of Goshen, Indiana, the film stars Casey Affleck as a chronically depressed aspiring novelist who moves back into his parents home after failing to make it in New York City. Liv Tyler also stars as a goodhearted nurse who finds contentment through encouraging optimism in Jims glum world.

Jim Casey Affleck is a perennially gloomy 27yearold aspiring novelist from Goshen, Indiana who moved to New York City in hopes of finding success with his writing. After two years of barely making a living as a dog walker, he defeatedly decides to move back home to his parents house in Goshen.Jimsyearold brother Tim Kevin Corrigan is a recently divorced father of two young girls whose business recently failed. Tim has moved back into his parents home and he works in the ladder factory thats owned and operated by their pessimistic father Don Seymour Cassel and overly cheerful mother Sally Mary Kay Place. Jim has no interest in the family business and he resists pressure from Don to start working there. ........

Source: Wikipedia